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T H E   T O P A N G A   
M A N A G E M E N T   T E A M  


With a combined total of 100 years of experience in managing and operating student housing communities, we have been in business since the late 1970s. Our primary focus has been on developing and owning off-campus college housing. We have developed and operated projects near several major universities, including Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo, California State University Fresno, Colorado State University Fort Collins, University of Oregon Eugene, University of Texas San Antonio, Boise State University, and in Reno, NV.




O U R  C O M P A N Y  P H I L O S O P H Y 


We believe in holding projects for the long term. Without exception, each of TMC’s projects has consistently outperformed the local market, year after year. Our innovative and highly successful approach to management techniques and property performance sets us apart.



C O R P O R A T E   O F F I C E 
978 W. Alluvial, Suite 101
Fresno, California 93711-5700
Fax: (559) 435-3590

C U S T O M E R    S E R V I C E
(800) 250-8009

© 2020 by Topanga Enterprises

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